3 Ways to Keep in Touch with your Audience

Having met someone for the first time you may arrange a 121 to get to know more. You may or may not ever see or hear from them again.

The decision as to whether they would be a good client, contact, referrer or someone you’d like to keep in touch with will drive your requirement to stay in touch. But how?

  1. Simple Spreadsheet of Potential Clients

A simple spreadsheet of contacts is an easy step – perhaps use this for ‘people you would love to work with’ so your target market that you need to demonstrate your knowledge, share useful content with, refer your own contacts to, get recognised by them and generally smoosh them.

  • CRM

According to Michelle from Virtual Hand “Perhaps run a CRM for your business. This is your business database. Containing information about your contacts, adding tags to what they mean to you (such as sector, location, where you met them, interests and even ‘lead’, ‘client’, ‘tribe’ etc).”

With every business/contact there should be a follow up task to be attached to it. Whether that’s an email, sending info, a call, adding to your mailing list (more about that next). This task will appear in your CRM Calendar and prompt you to make that ‘touchpoint’ and keep top of mind.

  • Mailing List

A mailing list is a great way to keep speaking to those that are interested in your content (if they’re not they will unsubscribe). These are your potential clients, advocates or supporters.

Sending regular content to demonstrate your knowledge and how you help people can gently educate them. You can also use it for sales – asking your audience what they want, what they think about a new product you’re planning, or just offering them special deals that no-one else gets. People like to feel special so if you are offering them new products or services, at a good rate, before anyone else they are more likely to consider it.

Keeping in touch with your audience is key to keeping top of mind – using the above methods will supplement your marketing and when it is all tied together within your marketing plan your results will be increased.

Remember to always have a variety of methods of marketing – they talk about the 7 Pillars of Marketing  – here’s three of yours.