When you need to choose a sign for your business it is extremely helpful to know which signage materials are right for the job in hand. You know you will need a sign to promote your business whether that is on the high street or at an exhibition or trade show. You may even know what artwork you want on it and how you want it to look. Many people get stuck on which material to choose for the sign though.According to Harrison from HBR Signs“When you are ordering signage that will be used outside you should make sure that the materials can withstand heat, rain, wind, snow etc. You will also need to consider what budget you have for this job.”
Purpose Of Sign
The best material to choose for your sign depends on where you will be using it. Indoor, outdoor, temporary signage promotion, exhibition stand etc. You will also need to know whether you are adding a graphic to an existing feature such as a wall or window. Or, whether you need a new rigid type sign to fix to a wall or posts or to free stand.If you are looking at placing a graphic on an existing fixture, then you will need a self- adhesive vinyl signage.
Indoors Signage
After you have decided where the signage will be placed you can then decide on what materials to use. If your signage will be used indoors consider materials such as corrugate, wood or plastic. These will give you a professional appearance and are good quality. They are also durable for occasions such as trade shows and exhibitions and other events you may attend indoors. These could be used on banners, shop signs and even wall graphics inside your place of business.
Consider Your Logo
The logo design for your business will usually determine also how the sign can be produced. If you have a complex one that it may be too difficult to produce as a 3D office logo, therefore you may be more restricted to using materials such as coloured vinyl to produce an office wall sign or having the logo produced as an office plaque.
Outdoor Signs
For outdoor signs the materials you should consider are vinyl, acrylic, aluminium and vinyl. These materials will provide you with excellent value for your money and also withstand the elements a sign will have to endure by being outside for a long period of time. A professional printer though can give you their recommendations too about what type of materials will work the best for your business.
Sign Graphics
As you are choosing your materials for your signage you should also think about your graphics you want to use and how those different materials will work with it. Do you wish to have a flexible or rigid sign? These additional questions will help you make the right decisions on which material will be better for your sign. The main decisions you will have are what materials to use, the cost, the purpose, the durability and the location that you wish to use your sign in.